Tuesday, May 09, 2006


The INSTITUTE TEAM FOR THE WORLD is a not for profit non governmental organization that operates in the field of the environment and the promotion of international co operation in the field of sustainable development. Its operations started in 2004 as part of the environmental legacy of the Athens Olympic Games and amongst its institutional members, there are forty four National Olympic and Paralympic Committees from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas.
It is based in Athens, Navarhou Apostoli 1, GR- 10554, Athens, Greece.

The INSTITUTE TEAM FOR THE WORLD is listed on the “special official index” of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs for international developmental aid / HELLENIC AID.

The INSTITUTE TEAM FOR THE WORLD is involved in international campaigns organized by international bodies such as UNESCO, UNEP in the frame of projects as the Water decade and the decade for education for sustainable development.

The activities of the Institute have been presented in international fora in Europe, Africa and Asia.

Currently the INSTITUTE TEAM FOR THE WORLD is developing projects with certain sport organizations locally ( Hellenic Tennis Federation, Hellenic Football Federation) ) and internationally (International Rowing Federation) in order to promote the link between sport and the environment .Activities with African community organizations such as the Green Belt Movement and the Kibera Community Youth Program are under consideration aiming at supporting skills development in the field of environmental protection, natural disasters management and energy conservation.

Within the year 2006, INSTITUTE TEAM FOR THE WORLD is completing environmental education activities with Greek schools in the field of recycling and natural resources conservation and is working with foreign institutes on energy conservation and the use of renewable energy sources.

INSTITUTE TEAM FOR THE WORLD members and management team cover a broad range of scientific, technical and socioeconomic capacities to be applied in national as well as international projects in energy, environment and society subjects, carrying a significant experience from the organization of the Olympic Games in Athens.

Co operation with international bodies such as the European Commission, United Nations, the World Bank etc are explicitly mentioned in its statute.

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